Hot Tub Maintenance and Repair Services
Keeping your hot tub fresh and properly balanced is important for everyone’s enjoyment. Here’s how we can help:
We Service Hotel and Motel Hot Tubs: Ask us about our reasonable rates for weekly service calls.
Weekly, Monthly or Seasonal Maintenance Plans: At Empire Pool and Patio, we can set you up with a reasonable service plan to meet your needs. We have the parts and supplies in our vehicles, saving you time shopping and stocking many products. During these visits, if repairs are required, we always give you an estimate first! We service most brands of hot tubs and spas. Strata management hot tubs or spas are no problem for us to handle!
Hot Tub Startups and End Of Season Shutdowns: Returning to your summer property and need to get the hot tub running? Closing down your hot tub while you travel? Warming up the hot tub ahead of ski season? We are happy to help. We can identify any concerns problems and avoid expensive leaks or costly repairs! Let us take the worry out of properly setting up or closing down your hot tub!
Upgrades to Existing Hot Tub Equipment: Occasionally you may notice your hot tub isn’t filtering as well as it used to, the jets don’t have as much pressure as usual, or the water temp is dropping or rising and not staying at setpoint. Water filtration and clarity may be affected. Ask us to come on site and provide a free estimate for parts or a new tub!
Contact us today to set up a hot tub maintenance plan, a service call, or to discuss a new hot tub purchase!